RE: [stella] Strange glitches in homebrewed games on the 2600 jr.

Subject: RE: [stella] Strange glitches in homebrewed games on the 2600 jr.
From: "Dennis Debro" <ddebro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 23:48:49 -0400
I know it's been a while since this was visited :)

> Sorry it took so long...  My Jr is "Made in Taiwan", serial number
> AT 870078434.  Are there any other identifiers I should be looking
> for?
> Vault Assault: Tournament Edition now has the enemy sprites in their
> correct positions, but when I move up or down, my sprite doubles,
> much like Qb did, and the score is affected as well.

I was going through the Vault Assault code tonight (just for fun) and
noticed that an HMOVE ends at cycle count 8. In Andrew Towers' TIA
document he mentions that in theory this shouldn't have any effect. He
also tested it successfully with his 2600 jr. Could there be some jrs.
that are sensitive to HMOVE happening in the visible scanline?

Take care,

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