RE: [stella] Sprite position to Tombstone Matrix conversion

Subject: RE: [stella] Sprite position to Tombstone Matrix conversion
From: "Dennis Debro" <ddebro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 22:43:55 -0500
Hi Glenn,

> I'm working on creating a lookup table I can use in the collision routine
> for Death Derby where given the gremlin's X and Y, I figure out which RAM
> strip to write to, which row of the RAM strip, and which bit to turn on.

I don't know if this will help you but I'll post it anyway. It sounds like a
similar problem I had with random ladders in Climber 5. With the random
ladders I needed to calculate when the climber could move vertically. This
is the same problem you'd find in your typical maze game too.

This is from my Climber 5 comments. I hope they make sense.

;Theory behind the playfield computations
;The playfield is broken into chunks of 32 (based on the horizontal
;positions of the objects).
;The objects have a PF range of 7 - 135. (135 - 7) / 4 PF sections = 32
;The PF has 4 pixel res and there are 40 bits across.
;----------------------- PF Pixels -----------------------
;|  PF0  |   PF1   |   PF2   |   PF2   |   PF1   |  PF0  |
;|68 . 83|84 .. 115|116.. 147|148.. 179|180.. 211|212.227|
;                       -- or --
;----------------------- PF Pixels -----------------------
;|  PF0  |   PF1   |   PF2   |   PF2   |   PF1   |  PF0  |
;|0  . 15|16 ..  47|48 ..  79|80 .. 111|112.. 143|144.159|
;The climber has a horizontal range of 3 - 144 (72 - 213)
;In relationship to the PF that would be (80 - 221) ... pixels shifted by 8
;because of HMOVE
;And a PF range of 7 - 135 (76 - 204) -or- (84 - 212) ... again shifting 8
;There are 4 sections of the PF that we're concerned about (PF1/PF2/PF2/PF1)
;So we subtract by 32 [(212 - 84) / 4] to find the PF section the climber is
;We keep subtracting until the value is between the PF1 values (i.e. less
;than 116)

   sbc #LEFT_PF_BOUND               ; subtract by LEFT_PF_BOUND to remove
   ldy #-1                          ; when done y will hold the PF section
the climber
                                    ; is in (0 - 3)
   iny                              ; increase the playfield section
   sbc #32                          ; reduce the value to find the playfield
   bcs .computePFSection
   adc #32                          ; add the value back in -- value went
   sty pfSection                    ; y holds the PF section (0 - 3)

   lda pfSection                    ; the playfield is reflected so sections
   beq .loadPF1Vars                 ; 0 and 3 are for PF1 and sections 1 and
   cmp #$03                         ; 2 are for PF2
   bcs .loadPF1Vars
   lda pf2Vars,x
   sta upMotionCheck
   lda pf2Vars-1,x
   sta downMotionCheck
   bcc .done
   lda pf1Vars,x
   sta upMotionCheck
   lda pf1Vars-1,x
   sta downMotionCheck

   lsr pfSection                    ; shift the pfSection to determine if
   bcc .loadAndValue                ; playfield bits are flipped (sections 1
                                    ; and 3 are flipped)
   eor #$07
   lda upMotionCheck
   and LadderMasking,y
   bne .checkForDown
   ldx #%00010000
   lda downMotionCheck
   and LadderMasking,y
   bne .setVerticalMotion
   ora #%00100000
   ldx #%00110000
   ora allowedMotion                ; or with allowed motion to get climber
.setAllowedMotion                   ; motion
   sta allowedMotion                ; store the value in RAM to be used
                                    ; VBLANK processing
   .byte $80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01

Maybe it helps...then again maybe it doesn't. I don't know about fast but it
gets the job done.

Take care,

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