Re: [stella] more exciting that even that! WAS: JoustPong: more exciting than ever!

Subject: Re: [stella] more exciting that even that! WAS: JoustPong: more exciting than ever!
From: Paul Slocum <paul-stella@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 01:36:26 -0600
Fixed most of your problems. Mainly just needed to shuffle things around. Couldn't get the paddles to touch the baseline, but you were one scanline short in the kernal so I made the baseline thicker. You could extend the paddles one more pixel by reading the player buffers and storing them in GRP0 one more time at the end of the kernel, but I kinda prefer it as is.

IMO the ball size is okay but it needs to be brighter.

Tomorrow I'll see if there are enough cycles left to color the players. Removing the WSYNCs may do it.


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