Re: XLS files scrambling

Subject: Re: XLS files scrambling
From: James Robertson <jamesr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 14:38:11 +1000
At 00:11 22/06/2000, Dan Morrison wrote:
George Prezerakos (ETG) wrote:

> >       The XSL files are invoked from within a Java servlet
> > (using Xalan and Xerces)
> >       I would like to scramble those files so that nobody
> > else can read them.
> > Why?
> Dear Linda,
> I believed that it was obvious. I have devoted time to develop
> the stylesheets and I don't want somebody else to just copy & paste.

However, If you plan on moving your XSL transform to the client sometime
in the future, then the question is like "How do I obfuscate my
super-clever HTML?". And believe me - that way leads to madness
<MADNESS view="source"
href=""; />

Client-side encryption of code is, by definition, broken.

Why? Because you have to provide: the encrypted code, the decryption
engine, and the decryption key. So all the person at the client side
is read these, and decrypt the code.

Think of it this way: the web browser needs to understand
it eventually ...


James Robertson
Step Two Designs Pty Ltd
SGML, XML & HTML Consultancy
Illumination: an out-of-the-box Intranet solution

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