Re[2]: [xsl] outputting &nbsp to HTML

Subject: Re[2]: [xsl] outputting &nbsp to HTML
From: gabor farkas <xlat@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 20:50:30 +0100
ok, point taken.

i didn't check the archives this time, mea culpa.

but now i did it.
and i've found nothing.

i tried the search option, it found approx. 1000 messages.
i checked the subjects of the first 50... nothing.

then i tried to browse the archives.
i opened 2001.december . alt-f3, "nbsp", nothing.
the same for november, the same for october..

to make it short:
i'll always check the archives before posting here.

now could you please give me the name of that thread?


12/13/2001, 8:20 PM,Michael Kay wrote:

>>       I have a simple problem:
>>       how to emit &nbsp via xsl?
>> any ideas?

> Start by reading the 300 messages on this topic in the last week alone.

> Then write &#xa0; in the stylesheet.

> Mike Kay

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