Re: [xsl] xsl:sort with msxml english language, danish characters, weird results

Subject: Re: [xsl] xsl:sort with msxml english language, danish characters, weird results
From: Bryan Rasmussen <bry@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 21:11:45 +0200
Bryan Rasmussen

as an aside, since i got this party started, in texts of little bit over a 100
years old it was common in denmark to use aa for e, ae for f, and oe for x.
Msxml as noted does support the da sorting, but it only supports aa for e, the
reason as I see it is that nowadays the habits of danish has changed and it is,
if not common, not impossible to encounter words that have an a and an e meant
to represent themselves rather than f, the same with oe (am not actually sure
how the spread of these letters is today). I would suppose this is also an issue
in historical texts from england, if one had an xml instance of pre-chaucerian
text dependent on where it came from an f might be encountered (okay i'm using
pre-chaucerian rather loosely here) now I don't suppose that there is a
processor anywhere that supports sorting in pre print versions of languages but
if it there was i guess it wouldn't matter because while you can set en-uk
you can't set languages by historical time periods (actually I suppose that
english that early would be an-sa or something right?) :)

so just something that made me chuckle earlier today. 

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