RE: [xsl] How does one convert an RTF to a string?

Subject: RE: [xsl] How does one convert an RTF to a string?
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 14:04:29 +0100
>     I have an RTF like this :
>     <xsl:variable name="test">
>         <root>
>             <child attrib="something">value</child>
>         </root>
>     </xsl:variable>
>     Doing xsl:value-of on $test produced "value" whereas I really want
> to be able to get the string :
>         <root>
>             <child attrib="something">value</child>
>         </root>
>     How can I do this? Will I have to write an XML serializer in XSL
> or is there an easier way?

You either have to write an XML serializer in XSLT, or you have to write one
as an extension function, or you have to find one that's already been
written in XSLT, or you have to find one that's already been written as an
extension function: such as saxon:serialize(), for example.

Michael Kay

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