RE: [xsl] parameters in XSLT 2.0

Subject: RE: [xsl] parameters in XSLT 2.0
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 14:07:24 +0100
> Currently (as in, subject to change), I have a separate included file 
> called CONFIG, which includes parameters like:
>    <xsl:param name="bibdb" select="'exist-xmldb'"/>
>    <xsl:param name="server_url" 
> select="'http://localhost:8080/bibdb?'"/>
>    <xsl:param name="username" select="'doej'"/>
>    <xsl:param name="password"/>
> Perhaps it makes more sense to define these as variables, and 
> allow the 
> user to redefine them in their stylesheet (which would import mine)?

Leave them as stylesheet parameters (xsl:param): then the user has the
choice either to bind them in an importing stylesheet, or to set the values
from the calling application.

Michael Kay

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