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Welcome, Gnomies!
"You are one of the most capable and responsive vendors that I have had the pleasure of working with not to mention the terrific service that you provide."

--Tyler Keeney,
Mailing Fulfillment Service Association

"You guys have the best pricing, customer service and product that I know of!"

--Bill Bultas,

"I've been very impressed with BIGLIST in general -- it's been easy to manage my lists, I've never had a problem with sending mailings, we're kept up-to-date on problems and changes, and especially the support has been excellent, which is very important to a novice list manager."

--Erika Murphy,
Supportive Housing Association NJ

Is list maintenance taking up too much of your time? Are some of your subscribers not receiving your e-newsletter? We can help.

Who we are and how we can help. BIGLIST has been providing emailing list hosting service for 7 years. Our service is based on (1) fast, reliable delivery; (2) simple management; and (3) responsive, knowledgeable customer support.

  1. Fast, Reliable Delivery
    While delivering hundreds of millions of emails monthly, we've spent the time to build and maintain good relationships with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to make sure our clients' messages are successfully delivered to all subscribers. This is what sets our service apart.

    We do not allow spam (it's in our contract), and while keeping a close eye on spam laws, we've built in features to our in-house system, which allow you to abide by both legal and ISP requirements.

  2. Simple Administration
    BIGLIST provides a simple administrative web interface to: add and remove subscribers; send, approve, and schedule messages; and view list activity. Our system automatically purges your list of invalid addresses to keep your lists current.

    BIGLIST also provides a subscriber interface so subscribers can register their own mailing list preferences.

  3. Customer Support
    We know email, and we know how to deliver. We're always ready to help, and we both accommodate special needs and build requested features right into the system.
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Mention that you're a Gnomie, and we'll waive the first month's service fee!


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  BIGLIST Inc. · 212-686-2140
  1640 Maple Ave #801
  Evanston, IL 60201

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