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"I've been very impressed with BIGLIST in general -- it's been easy to manage my lists, I've never had a problem with sending mailings, we're kept up-to-date on problems and changes, and especially the support has been excellent, which is very important to a novice list manager."

Erika Murphy,
Supportive Housing Association NJ
BIGLIST has been managing emailing lists since 1996. We provide list service that includes fast delivery, simple management, and responsive, knowledgeable customer support.

We believe that reaching your audience, whether it numbers in the tens or millions, should be as simple as sending a single email message. And because we stay on the forefront of list management technology, it is that simple.

We serve clients around the world, including Australia, Canada, China, France, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States, and Switzerland, and we support multiple languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese.

  Partial client list:
CQ Roll Call - Nonpartisan insights and tools for those who lead, shape or follow public policy. - Singing birthday cards - Brain teasers, IQ tests, puzzles and games
Smart Card Alliance
Rainbow Cinemas and Magic Lantern Theatres
National Association of Colleges and Employers

  BIGLIST Inc. · 212-686-2140
  1640 Maple Ave #801
  Evanston, IL 60201

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