Re: Oft-encountered formatting problem

Subject: Re: Oft-encountered formatting problem
From: Harald Hanche-Olsen <hanche+dsssl-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 26 May 1997 13:35:08 -0000
Argh.  I wrote

| (element (DESC)
| 	 (with-mode no-branches
| 		    (process-children))
| 	 (make column-set-sequence
| 	       (process-matching-children BRANCHOFFICE)))

but that should have been

(element (DESC)
	  (with-mode no-branches
	  (make column-set-sequence
		(process-matching-children BRANCHOFFICE))))

All I can say in my defence is that I was interrupted innumerable
times while writing that tiny snippet of code.

- Harald

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