ANNOUNCE: Modular DocBook Stylesheets version 1.13

Subject: ANNOUNCE: Modular DocBook Stylesheets version 1.13
From: Norman Walsh <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 15:51:18 -0400
Version 1.13 is now up at

Common ChangeLog

1998-09-02  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>

	* dbcommon.dsl: Version 1.13 released

	* dbcommon.dsl: Added support for SETINDEX

Lib ChangeLog

1998-09-02  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>

	* dblib.dsl: Version 1.13 released.

1998-08-31  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>

	* dblib.dsl:
	Fixed absolute-child-number; it was off by one--the first child is
	"1" not "0".

Print ChangeLog

1998-09-02  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>

	* version.dsl: Version 1.13 released

	* docbook.dsl:
	Added external-procedure declaration for read-entity; used by dbgraph.dsl

	* dbgraph.dsl:
	Reorganized code. Added support for sourcing of external text documents.
	If FORMAT is LINESPECIFIC, the content of the named file is inserted
	literally into the document (via read-entity and literal)

	* dbcallou.dsl:
	Fixed bug in $callout-mark$.  Return #f, not 0, if there's no co.

	* dbbibl.dsl:
	Handle BIBLIOGRAPHYs that occur inside ARTICLEs or other places below
	BOOK.  Do not create a simple-page-sequence in these cases.

1998-08-31  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>

	* dblists.dsl: Fixed bug in processing of verbatim environments as
	the first child of a varlistentry listitem.

1998-09-02  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>

	* version.dsl: Version 1.13 released

	* docbook.dsl:
	Added external-procedure declaration for read-entity; used by dbgraph.dsl

	* dbtable.dsl, dbparam.dsl: Added %cals-table-class%

	* dbttlpg.dsl:
	Added empty ALT attributes to graphics on the title page.  (Working
	towards better conformance with HTML DTDs.)

	* dbnavig.dsl: Added support for SETINDEX

	* dbgraph.dsl:
	Reorganized code. Added support for sourcing of external text documents.
	If FORMAT is LINESPECIFIC, the content of the named file is inserted
	literally into the document (via read-entity and literal)

 DSSSList info and archive:

Current Thread
  • ANNOUNCE: Modular DocBook Stylesheets version 1.13
    • Norman Walsh - from mail1.ability.netby (8.8.5/8.6.12) with ESMTP id QAA09332Wed, 2 Sep 1998 16:06:05 -0400 (EDT) <=
      • Norman Walsh - from mail1.ability.netby (8.8.5/8.6.12) with ESMTP id JAA19412Wed, 16 Sep 1998 09:55:55 -0400 (EDT)