Jade 1.2 on Solaris

Subject: Jade 1.2 on Solaris
From: Daniel Speck <dspeck@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 14:29:55 -0400
Has anyone compiled Jade 1.2 on Solaris? I don't have gcc and when I
tried using the new configure with a very old SparcWorks C++ compiler
the makefiles didn't even get built correctly. When I type "make" after
configure, I immediately get an error:

make: Fatal error in reader: ./Makefile.lt, line2: Unexpected end of
line seen
Current working directory /distrib/jade/jade-1.2/lib
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target 'lib'
Current working direcotry /distrib/jade/jade-1.2
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target 'all'

If anyone has successfully compiled Jade 1.2 for Solaris and made it
available on the web I would be glad to hear of it.


Daniel Speck
Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.               Voice: +1 202.452.6596
1231 25th Street, NW                             Fax: +1 202.331.5178
Washington, DC 20037                          e-mail:  dspeck@xxxxxxx

 DSSSList info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/dsssl/dssslist

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  • Jade 1.2 on Solaris
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