How,what node-property returns SGML input fsi?

Subject: How,what node-property returns SGML input fsi?
From: "Hennessy, Sean" <shennessy@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 17:23:33 -0800
;; How does one acquire the
;; SGML source document file name as
;; a string?
;; Where might one find the literature reference
;; detailing this item?
;; began with David Megginson's 
;;"Node Properties in Jade"
;; but unsure where to go from here..please point me in the
;; right direction...thanks.
	(let* (	
		;; Class SGMLDOC : sgml-document
		( symSGMLDoc (node-property 'class-name (current-node)))
		;;Class SGMLCSTS : sgml-constants 		 
		;; intrinsic properties?
		;; data-property-name ? not available..
		( npSGMLContants (node-property 'sgml-constants
		( symSGMLContants (node-property 'class-name
		( nlEntities (node-property "entities" (current-node)))

		( tAppInfo (node-property 'application-info
(current-node) default: "noAppInfo"))

	( make simple-page-sequence
		(make element gi: "SOURCESGMLDOC"
;;			(literal tszSourceDocFileName)
		(literal (symbol->string symSGMLContants))
		(literal ":")
		(literal (number->string nEntitiesCnt))
		(literal "]")
;; return the root's current-node
( define (retrootnode nl)
	(children (children (node-property 'docelem nl )))


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