RE: SOLUTION FOR : How can I add a new children in a node??

Subject: RE: SOLUTION FOR : How can I add a new children in a node??
From: "Frank A. Christoph" <christo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 15:54:14 +0900
> Quoting Frank A. Christoph <christo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > What Brandon wrote about "storing the definition environment"
> is true about
> > lambda-calculus, but Scheme and DSSSL are not quite lambda-calculus.
> >
>    Actually, what I wrote came from the spec (
> 	A lambda expression evaluates to a procedure. The environment
> 	in effect when the lambda expression was evaluated is
> 	remembered as part of the procedure. When the procedure is
> 	later called with some actual arguments, the environment in
> 	which the lambda expression was evaluated shall be extended by
> 	binding the variables in the formal argument list to the
> 	corresponding actual argument values, and the body of the
> 	lambda expression shall be evaluated in the extended
> 	environment. The result of the body shall be returned as the
> 	result of the procedure call.
>    Am I missing something?

Maybe you are, but so was I---sorry. I was a little confused about this too.
I thought this had something to do with a distinction between top-level and
local definitions in Scheme, but it doesn't.

There is no such thing as a REPL (for the uninitiated: read-eval-print
loop), or modules, or state in lambda-calculus, so whether it is some
incompatibility between Scheme and lambda-calculus is a really moot issue.
The thing in question is actually "what ought to be the behavior of variable
references under state transformations?"

Let me repeat my example:

(hp3) ~ 502 $ petite
Petite Chez Scheme Version 6.0a
Copyright (c) 1998 Cadence Research Systems

> (define (f) (+ 1 1))
> (f)
> (define + -)
> (+ 1 1)
> (f)

So you see that the "+" symbol is being resolved dynamically w.r.t. state
changes. I say "state changes" here because in fact in Scheme "(define x
...)" is equivalent to "(set! x ...)" when x is already defined. One of the
neat things about Scheme is that the action of compiling a program is
(supposed to be) the same as that of just cat'ing it to the standard input
of a Scheme REPL, so you can actually make your program do things at
compile-time without having to invoke a preprocessor or something. From that
perspective, redefining an identifier is just a compile-time state change.
(It is worth noting that a DSSSL can never behave like this, because, as I
pointed out, redefinitions are only effective for "built-ins".)

This is rather different from the way REPLs usually work in typed languages.
In the functional language Objective Caml, for instance, a program is not
allowed to do anything such as changing the state at compile-time. Therefore
you need to think about redefinitions in a different way, namely as
identifier shadowing.

(hp3) ~ 503 $ ocaml
        Objective Caml version 2.02

# let f () = 1 + 1;;
val f : unit -> int = <fun>
# f();;
- : int = 2
# let (+) = (-);;
val + : int -> int -> int = <fun>
# 1 + 1;;
- : int = 0
# f();;
- : int = 2

Here you see that the denotation of f, i.e., which mathematical function it
implements, has not changed despite the fact that we altered the definition
of a function that it uses. In a typed language, this is more or less
necessary, since otherwise the type of f could change or become ill-typed if
we changed the type of +. You could do fancy things like ensure that any
redefinition of + in the same session would preserve the type, but that
would make the REPL rather less useful---you'd have to restart your session
and re-enter all your definitions to change the type of something like +.

In Ocaml, you could have gotten the effect of the Scheme definition by using
a ref cell:

# let plus = ref (+);;
val plus : (int -> int -> int) ref = {contents=<fun>}
# let f () = !plus 1 1;;   (* ! is dereferencing in ML *)
val f : unit -> int = <fun>
# f();;
- : int = 2
# plus := (-);;
- : unit = ()
# f();;
- : int = 0

In the Hugs 98 interpreter for the programming language Haskell, the
designers have actually disallowed definitions


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