Re: [jats-list] <permissions> versus <attrib> when reproducing previously published material

Subject: Re: [jats-list] <permissions> versus <attrib> when reproducing previously published material
From: "Rhiannon Miller rhiannon.m@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <jats-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2019 16:49:53 -0000
OK, so you're saying that both <permissions> and <attrib> should be used? That
sounds reasonable.

I think I got misled because I was expecting the updated documentation to
solve my problem of specifying multiple permissions on a section, which it
doesn't. So I'll ask that question instead!

Sometimes we have sections which combine bits from two or three different
articles, or they are sourced from another article but the text has had some
edits and changes, and we need to put in all the copyrights so that all the
licences can be included and the most restrictive one can be used. We
currently use a single permissions element containing, in order, all the
copyright-statements, all the copyright-years, all the copyright-holders, and
all the licenses. For example:

          <copyright-statement>Parts of this chapter have been reproduced with
permission from Hogan <italic>et al.</italic><named-content
content-type="reference-citation"><xref ref-type="bibr"
rid="ref1-bib71">71</xref></named-content> Republished with permission of MA
Healthcare Limited, from Effectiveness of ways to improve detection and rescue
of deteriorating patients, Hogan H, Carver C, Zipfel R, Hutchings A, Welch J,
Harrison D, Black N, British Journal of Hospital Medicine, vol. 78, 2017;
permission conveyed through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. All rights
          <copyright-statement>&#xa9; Queen&#x2019;s Printer and Controller of
HMSO 2018. This work was produced by Hogan et al. under the terms of a
commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social
Care. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research
and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in
professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the
reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for
commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library,
National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies
Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park,
Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.</copyright-statement>
          <copyright-holder>MA Healthcare Limited</copyright-holder>
          <copyright-holder>Queen&#x2019;s Printer and Controller of

I appreciate that the 'Parts of this chapterb&' text should be in <attrib>,
but what can I do about the multiple copyright years etc.?

If anyone has any ideas on how to solve this in a better way, I'd be glad to
hear them!

Thanks and best wishes


Prepress Projects
Rhiannon Miller b" Project Leader
+44 (0)1738 450489

> On 18 Apr 2019, at 15:03, Randall, Laura (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [E]
laura.randall@xxxxxxx <jats-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi, Rhiannon.
> I think that noting something has been reproduced (<attrib>) is distinctly
different from documenting that an object has a different copyright
(<permissions>) than the rest of the article. As I understand it, these are
two different kinds of statements and belong in two different elements.
> The two statements are often combinedbor at least adjacentbin the
presentation, but that doesnbt mean theybre the same thing or that they
should be tagged as a single statement.
> The part of the statement that documents an object is reproduced from
another source belongs in <attrib>. The copyright notice that applies to the
reproduced object belongs in <permissions>. I donbt see this as contrary to
the JATS4R recommendations, because that recommendation applies only to
copyright, not to attribution notices.
> Best,
> Laura
> _______________________
> Laura Randall
> laura.randall@xxxxxxx <mailto:laura.randall@xxxxxxx>
> From: Rhiannon Miller rhiannon.m@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 9:03 AM
> To: jats-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [jats-list] <permissions> versus <attrib> when reproducing
previously published material
> I have a query regarding the use of <permissions> and <attrib> when
reproducing previously published material.
> JATS 1.2 has updated and expanded documentation on when the <permissions>
element should be used
>). This is as a result of a request that I made to the JATS committee asking
for multiple <permissions> elements in <sec-meta>, to better record the
permissions of sections where part of the material is derived (but not
explicitly quoted) from a previously published article that has a different
copyright. This request resulted in the new documentation, which states that
<attrib>, not <permissions>, should be used for information reproduced from
another source.
> I'm now not quite sure how to tag reproduced items at all. If <permissions>
is not to be used for document objects which have been reproduced from
elsewhere and therefore have different copyright licences, then what should it
be used for?
> More importantly, if I am using <attrib> rather than <permissions> to tag a
document object reproduced from elsewhere, how do I denote that this object,
unlike the rest of the article, is not permitted to be reproduced? The
<attrib> element doesn't seem to capture this information.
> For example, the article may be published under a CC-BY licence, but one
section may contain parts reproduced with permission from a previously
published article which has an "All rights reserved' copyright statement and
therefore should not be reproduced further.
> Finally, this documentation doesn't seem to mesh with the JATS4R guidelines
( <>), which say
'If any object within the article (for example, a figure or a table) has
different permissions from the article as a whole, <permissions> must be
included in that element to ensure the object does not inherit the permissions
that apply to the document as a whole.'
> Any help breaking through the confusion would be much appreciated!
> Thanks and best wishes
> Rhiannon
> Prepress Projects
> Rhiannon Miller b" Project Leader
> +44 (0)1738 450489
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