Most likely a case-sensitivity issue.
the Node object supports transformNode() and transformNodeToObject()
The following example page shows using both. Hope this helps.
function doit() {
x = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
// data is the "XML Island" with id="data" below
// style is the "XML Island" with id="style" below
alert ( style.documentElement.nodeName );
alert ( data.documentElement.transformNode( style.documentElement ) );
data.documentElement.transformNodeToObject( style.documentElement, x );
alert (x.documentElement.xml);
alert( data.documentElement.nodeName );
<input type="submit" value="doit" onclick="doit()">
<div id="result"></div>
<xml id="style">
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
<xsl:template match="hello">
<xml id="data">
Steve Muench, Consulting Product Manager & XML Evangelist
Java Business Objects Dev't Team -
--- Begin Message ---
I could successfully apply the above-mentioned method from a DSO (an XML
data island) to an instance of XMLDOMDocument object
when using IE5 beta but when I try to apply it to the IE5 production
version, I get error ("Object doesn't support this property or method").
The code I use is as follows (it is meant to apply the XSL style sheet to
the XML DOM document on-the-fly):
p_sNewXML = xmlDOM.TransformNode(frm.FrameName.XSLStyleSheet.XMLDocument);
- xmlDOM is an instance of XMLDOMDocument (created using
ActiveXObject("microsoft.xmldom") method)
- XSLStyleSheet is the id of the data island whose SRC is the XSL script
accessed via the frame notation "frm.FrameName"). The exact
xml data island on the relevant frame looks like:
<xml id=XSLStyleSheet SRC="../xsl/nav.xsl"></xml>
Note1: the object "XSLStyleSheet.XMLDocument" is not regarded as an object
while its properties are recognized (e.g. async, nodeType,
nodename etc.)
Note2: I use frame notations to access the DSO element (actually:
Behrouz M-Rouhani
XSL-List info and archive:
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