Re: microsoft latest, bug with extension elements?

Subject: Re: microsoft latest, bug with extension elements?
From: Mike Brown <mike@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 11:44:53 -0700 (PDT)
Andrew Kimball wrote:
> When the document is passed to the XSL processor, the processor cannot
> determine what whitespace was originally present within the xsl:text
> element, so it outputs a single space by default.

If I am interpreting this correctly, then this is in violation of, which says

"After the tree for a source document or stylesheet document has been
constructed, but before it is otherwise processed by XSLT, some text nodes
are stripped. A text node is never stripped unless it contains only
whitespace characters. Stripping the text node removes the text node from
the tree. The stripping process takes as input a set of element names for
which whitespace must be preserved.


A text node is preserved if any of the following apply:

The element name of the parent of the text node is in the set of
whitespace-preserving element names.


For stylesheets, the set of whitespace-preserving element names consists of
just xsl:text."

So text node children of xsl:text elements must not be stripped even if they
are nothing but whitespace characters.


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