[Zvon announcement] Smart Transcoder, Soap reference, Dates and time, searchable interface to Zvon references

Subject: [Zvon announcement] Smart Transcoder, Soap reference, Dates and time, searchable interface to Zvon references
From: Miloslav Nic <nicmila@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 13:45:03 +0200
Smart Transcoder announcement (IDOOX): 
	[ http://www.zvon.org/index.php?nav_id=40 ]

      an integrated framework for information processing 
      that can be seamlessly incorporated into existing 
      architectures. The new product combines the power
      of XML with distributed computing, creating a strong
      foundation for network-based applications 
      (peer-to-peer networks, web portals, publishing). 
      Smart Transcoder will provide open-source code in 
      the near future.

Soap 1.1 reference: 
	[ http://www.zvon.org/xxl/soapReference/Output/index.html ]

       - SOAP elements, faults, and types (from XML Schema)
       - it is crosslinked with the W3C note: Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP) 1.1 specification 
        and W3C draft: XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes
       - types are already with examples, more examples will be added in
the next release	

Numeric representation of dates and times (reference) :
	[ http://www.zvon.org/other/datesAndTimes/OUTPUT/index.html ]

	- based on the international standard ISO 8601: Data elements and
interchange formats

XSLT, CSS and Regular expressions references have now searchable
[ http://www.zvon.org/index.php?nav_id=17 ]

They can be downloaded and used from your own pages:

<firstName> Miloslav </firstName>    
<surname>   Nic      </surname>     

<mail>    nicmila@xxxxxxxxx    </mail>   
<support> http://www.zvon.org  </support>

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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