Re: left zero pad digit string

Subject: Re: left zero pad digit string
From: Miloslav Nic <nicmila@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 14:03:01 +0200
"Robert C. Lyons" wrote:
> Joel writes:
> > Padding a number:
> > Requirement: zero pad a digit string
> > Example: 456 --> 000456
> > Where the new string length is a passed parameter to the
> > padding template.

with parameters:
from: 456
step: 10
format-number: 000000

The test agrees :)

> Joel,
> I believe that format-number( "456", "000000" )
> would return "000456". The 2nd arg is the format
> pattern.
> In your case, the number of zeroes in the format
> pattern must be equal to the "new string length."
> You can use the substring function to construct
> a format pattern with the appropriate number of
> zeroes as follows:
> substring( $long_string_of_zeroes, 1, $new_string_length )
> Note that I haven't tested any of this.
> Hope it helps.
> Bob
> <sig name    = 'Bob Lyons'
>      title   = 'E-Commerce Consultant'
>      company = 'Unidex, Inc.'
>      phone   = '+1-732-975-9877'
>      email   = 'boblyons@xxxxxxxxxx'
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>      plug    = 'Home of XML Convert'   />
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