RE: does position () work with old MS namespace

Subject: RE: does position () work with old MS namespace
From: Eileen Kinley <e.kinley@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 08:09:01 -0400
The following worked for me:
<xsl:when test="context()[index() = 0]"> <!-- it is first child -->

Eileen Kinley

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Eric Taylor [SMTP:Eric.Taylor@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent:	Thursday, August 31, 2000 9:04 AM
> To:	'XSL-List@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> Subject:	does position () work with old MS namespace
> when I added a construction like the following to my XSL, I got an
> unspecified error from IE5... is position() one of those things that isn't
> supported by the old MS namespace?  Upgrading to MSXML3 isn't an option
> right now--is there any other way to treat the first item differently from
> the rest?  Thanks.  Eric
>     <xsl:choose>
>       <xsl:when test="position() = 1">
>         <!-- processing for first item -->
>       </xsl:when>
>       <xsl:otherwise>
>         <!-- processing for subsequent -->
>       </xsl:otherwise>
>     </xsl:choose>
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