Re: format-number usage

Subject: Re: format-number usage
From: Gary L Peskin <garyp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 08:34:28 -0700
Nuri Besen wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to use number formating in XSL with
> format-number function using Xalan/Xerces as processors.
> >From what i understood, this should work:
> format-number(123456,"#,##0")
> but i get a parse exception as:
> pattern = '#,##0'
> Extra illegal tokens: ',', '##0'
> I want to display "123,456", what is wrong here?

It sounds like you have your format-number in a select attribute.  Try
using apostrophes (') around your #,##0 instead of quotes.  If you begin
your select attribute value with quotes, your first quote before the #
would end the attribute value.


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