Re: Built-in template rule for attributes

Subject: Re: Built-in template rule for attributes
From: "John E. Simpson" <simpson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 18:37:56 -0400
At 10:11 PM 09/04/2000 +0000, David Carlisle wrote:

> One subtlety that's always confused me is: Why, given this built-in rule,
> is the value of each attribute *not* copied to the result tree?

because the default select attribute on apply-templates doesn't select

Thanks David. All I can say in my own defense is, Duh!

[Glad to see you're still providing your concise explanations here.]

John E. Simpson          | "I spilled spot remover on my dog.    | He's gone now." (Steven Wright)
simpson@xxxxxxxxxxx      |

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