RE: How to display page numbers using xsl

Subject: RE: How to display page numbers using xsl
From: "Krishnamurthy, Rama" <RKrishnamurthy@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 10:59:30 -0400
> It is for all transformations using XSLT - but I get the feeling you may
> be
> using MSXML, in which case you need MSXML3 before you can use that
> namespace
	Hi Matthew,
	      I did download the MSXML3 parser and ran the xmlinst.exe in my
local directory

	I generate a XML schema from the ADO recordset and load the file in
the DOM object created by
	xmldoc = server.createObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")

	I match the pattern 'rs:data/z:row' in the xml schema and run a loop
to access each node below it.

	Now I get a error 'Reference to undeclared namespace prefix rs.'  

	Am I forgetting something?


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