RE: Preceding: can't filter my nodes?

Subject: RE: Preceding: can't filter my nodes?
From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 17:36:06 +0100
> I'm trying to get a unique set of nodes. I can't seem to tie 
> the preceding
> axis to a filter on a given ID. I have tried filtering that 
> node set into a
> variable and then getting a unique list from that, but I am 
> still operating
> on the whole node set.(abbreviated XML below)
> <xsl:variable name="ats" select="/ROWSET/ROW[R_ID='14144']"/>
> <xsl:for-each select="$ats/AT_ID[not(.=preceding::AT_ID)]">
>   <at_id><xsl:value-of select="."/></at_id>
> </xsl:for-each>

"preceding", like all the other axes, means "preceding in the source
document", not "preceding in the node-set".

I'm tempted to suggest the saxon:distinct() function, but I know that's
cheating! select="saxon:distinct($ats/AT_ID)"

Perhaps you want

but it looks horribly inefficient. If you want a solution that's both
portable and efficient, it will probably use keys.

Mike Kay


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