RE: Preceding: can't filter my nodes?

Subject: RE: Preceding: can't filter my nodes?
From: "Pawson, David" <DPawson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 10:35:26 +0100
Kay Michael 

> "preceding", like all the other axes, means "preceding in the source
> document", not "preceding in the node-set".
> I'm tempted to suggest the saxon:distinct() function, but I 
> know that's
> cheating! select="saxon:distinct($ats/AT_ID)"

The number of users who trip over this, looking 
for a context change to change the definition of the axis;
     ..look for unique / first of its kind etc.

Is this one for XSLT 2.0 ?
  Either saxon:distinct, or something which will allow us
to work in the node-set that we have created in the new context.

 I'll look to others for suggestions, but I think the principle
is valid, especially with its frequency of use.

Regards DaveP

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