RE: Improving performance for huge files with XSLT

Subject: RE: Improving performance for huge files with XSLT
From: Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen <TRA@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 10:54:07 +0200

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ornella Piva [mailto:Ornella.Piva@xxxxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, 13 September, 2000 09:14
> To: XSL-List@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Improving performance for huge files with XSLT
> Hi,
> I'm using XSLT to convert xml files into other xml files. I have to
> convert huge xml files (containing, e.g. 50000/100000 nodes), but the
> perfomance is becoming a real problem: it takes more or less 
> 20 minutes
> to convert a file with 100000 nodes.
> Are there some general methods to improve the performance 
> with huge xml
> files? Did somebody encounter the same problem? How did you solve it?

Depending on where the bottleneck is.  Most XSLT-processors require *lots* of memory, so first check if your computer is swapping.

If you have sufficient memory, then see if faster alternatives are available.  For Java based transformations "XP" ( is most likely the fastest but not 100% compliant.  I have yet to find a reasonable processor written in C, although Xalan-C might work well for you.

Could you perhaps provide more details?

  Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen             "...and...Tubular Bells!"

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