RE: Improving performance for huge files with XSLT

Subject: RE: Improving performance for huge files with XSLT
From: Matthew Bentley <>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 09:25:16 +1200
>I'm using XSLT to convert xml files into other xml files. I have to
>convert huge xml files (containing, e.g. 50000/100000 nodes), but the
>perfomance is becoming a real problem: it takes more or less 20 minutes
>to convert a file with 100000 nodes.
>Are there some general methods to improve the performance with huge xml
>files? Did somebody encounter the same problem? How did you solve it?

I found that with the document I was processing (79mb) most of the time
spent was actually swapping data from memory to hard disk and back. So
unless you want to get another 512MB of ram :) I suggest you increase your
permanent swap-flie size to something large (I'm assuming you're using an OS
which supports swap-files). For the document I was transforming, increasing
the default swap file size to 350MB sped things up quite a lot.
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