Re: XSLT V 1.1

Subject: Re: XSLT V 1.1
From: Paul Tchistopolskii <paul@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 11:39:33 -0700
----- Original Message ----- 
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx> 

> > Because <mumble> is in the XML input  - document()  will 
> > be resolved relative to URI of XML input !
> not for the first time I'll mention that diferent mumble nodes in the
> input document typically have different URI as they typically live
> in external entities in subdirectories.

Not for the first time I'm trying to understand what is 
the particular usecase you are talking about.

I guess you *can* put together some tricky mess 
of  &entities,  href="relative_url" e t.c. and it will 
'not work'  with simple document(). I just don't 
understand how to do that - that's why I'm 
asking for this usecase ( not the first time, 
as you mentioned - but that's just because 
I don't yet see that complex usecase. Or 
maybe some of your letters are lost? ). 

<btw> I also think that 'supporting' such a 
mess is not good idea, but that's not 
important. </btw>

Anyway -  let us say that "simple document()
resolves relative urls relatively to *current*
XML ( which contains <mumble> )"

It is *still* not the semantics of current 
document(), but it is the *functionality*
of current document.


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