Re: Trouble Including XSL Files in another XSL File

Subject: Re: Trouble Including XSL Files in another XSL File
From: "John E. Simpson" <simpson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 17:37:54 -0400
At 12:50 PM 09/19/2000 -0700, Corina McCleary wrote:
I am not getting any errors or any output from my
included XSL file.

This often happens if there's a disjoint between the namespace declaration and what the XSLT processor expects.

I was using xmlns:xsl="";, but
I was getting the following errors:
        Keyword xsl:output may not be used here. and Keyword xsl:include may
not be used here.
So I switched to use xmlns:xsl="";.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

I haven't tried your stylesheet (no ASP facilities available). But besides using the new namespace, as you did on the 2nd try, be sure you're using the newest version of the MSXML processor. (That is, your first "keyword xsl:output/xsl:include" error message indicates that you're still using the older MSXML. When you switched to the correct namespace, the older one doesn't recognize it at all and gives you the blank stare. :)

If you aren't using the July 20 release of MSXML, you can download it from:
Be sure to read the installation instructions carefully, so that you install it in "replace" mode. More information on that is available at the MS site, and also in Dave Pawson's excellent XSL FAQ at:

John E. Simpson | "If you were going to | shoot a mime, would you use
XML Q&A: | a silencer?" (Steven Wright)

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