Re: xsl:macro example?

Subject: Re: xsl:macro example?
From: Alexey Gokhberg <alexei@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 01:22:47 +0200
Matthew Hixson wrote:

> Could someone point me to an example of how to use xsl:macro, including both
> the xml and xsl that make use of macro:invoke?  I'm having a hard time finding
> an example of how this works.

Hello, Matthew

The xsl:macro element is not part of the final XSLT recommendation - it
was included in earlier XSLT working drafts, but dropped since 21 April
1999. The final recommendation provides the xsl:call-template element
having the similar functionality.

For more details, look directly in the final W3C recommendation at

Kind regards


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