Re: xsl:macro example?

Subject: Re: xsl:macro example?
From: Matthew Hixson <mhixson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 18:26:45 -0700
On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Matthew Hixson wrote:
> > Could someone point me to an example of how to use xsl:macro, including both
> > the xml and xsl that make use of macro:invoke?  I'm having a hard time finding
> > an example of how this works.
> Hello, Matthew
> The xsl:macro element is not part of the final XSLT recommendation - it
> was included in earlier XSLT working drafts, but dropped since 21 April
> 1999. The final recommendation provides the xsl:call-template element
> having the similar functionality.

Ah, perhaps that's why noone has an example.  I was led astray by the O'Reilly
XML Pocket Reference (published in October of 1999), which documents xsl:macro.
   I wonder how many other non-existent elements this reference documents...

Matt Hixson
Aventail Corporation
Seattle, Washington

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