RE: [XSLT/newbie]value-of attributes of the root node

Subject: RE: [XSLT/newbie]value-of attributes of the root node
From: "Pawson, David" <DPawson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 09:30:18 +0100
Kay Michael 

> The "root node" in XPath is not an element, and it does not 
> have attributes.
> It is not the same as what the XML spec calls the "root, or document
> element"; rather it is the parent of this element, the 
> equivalent of what
> DOM calls the Document node.
> You are not the only one confused by this inconsistency of terminology
> between different W3C standards.

Within XSLT and XPATH, what, if any, purpose does this 
seperation of root node and document element serve?
We know it confuses. Could it be a candidate for removal
in 2.0?


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