RE: how to access the element which is in the top in XSL.

Subject: RE: how to access the element which is in the top in XSL.
From: "Robert C. Lyons" <boblyons@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 21:58:04 -0400
Babu wrote:
> 2.i have navigated upto <seven1>. If at this point i
> want to refer to the element "three".
>      for example.
>       <xsl:template match="seven1"
>               <topvalue>
>                      <xsl:applytemplates
> select="three">  ????? what is the format to be
> applied.
>               </topvalue>
>       <xsl:template>

Assuming that <four> is a subelement of <three>
(i.e., <four> is under <three>), the following
should work:

       <xsl:template match="seven1">
                      <xsl:apply-templates select="../../../.." />

Hope this helps.


<sig name    = 'Bob Lyons'
     title   = 'E-Commerce Consultant'
     company = 'Unidex, Inc.'
     phone   = '+1-732-975-9877'
     email   = 'boblyons@xxxxxxxxxx'
     url     = ''
     product = 'XML Convert: transforms flat files to XML & vice versa' />

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