Re: how to access the element which is in the top in XSL.

Subject: Re: how to access the element which is in the top in XSL.
From: "Rebecca Lundberg" <rlundberg@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 15:25:15 -0400
> i have navigated upto <seven1>. If at this point i
> > want to refer to the element "three".
> select="ancestor::two/child::three"

What if we changed the format to

                    <statistic one>aaaa</statistic one>
                        <statistic one>xxx</statistic one>

 Do I have to do an apply-template on "ancestor::two/child::three" in order
to get to associated <statistic one> value or is their some clever way I can
do the entire selection in one line?


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