RE: XML fragments (was [XSLT/newbie]value-of attributes of the r oot node)

Subject: RE: XML fragments (was [XSLT/newbie]value-of attributes of the r oot node)
From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 09:31:00 +0100
> Are there XSLT implementations
> that allow you to transform an XML fragment as the source 
> tree?  In that case, what kind of parser would have to be used?
Saxon will accept input from a stream of SAX events, and it requires only
that the events should be "well-balanced" (in the terminology of an obscure
W3C standard on document fragment interchange), i.e. the root can contain
anything that an element can contain. The most likely source of a stream
that is well-balanced but not well-formed is the output of a previous XSLT

Mike Kay

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