Empty Columns with Oracle Parser

Subject: Empty Columns with Oracle Parser
From: "Sellmer-Brüls, Barbara" <B.Sellmer-Bruels@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 12:24:33 +0200
How can I persuade the Oracle parser to output <td></td> in case that an XML
element is sometimes not present?

Saxon and XALAN both output it as it is: <td></td>, whereas the
Oracle-Output is <td/>. This causes trouble with the Netscape browser (which
needs exactly <td></td>, whereas IE5 and Mozilla are able to recognize empty
columns while reading <td/>.

The stylesheet contains statements like <xsl:preserve-space elements="*"/>,
and all XSL select statements are placed explicitly between the <td></td>

Thanks in advance, Barbara
Barbara Sellmer-Bruels
Klopotek & Partner GmbH - Berlin

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