Problem with Oracle Parser Classes vs. Command-line

Subject: Problem with Oracle Parser Classes vs. Command-line
From: Paul Terray <terray@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 20:18:27 +0100
Hello everyone,

I am using for a project pretty complex XSL stylesheets. I am using Oracle parser, because I want the Database to do the work.However, the command line does not give the same output as the classes used in Java servlet on Oracle :

- The command line does not obey AT ALL at the <xsl:output> command (it produce XML where I ask HTML, and does not take into account my encoding).

- My other problem is it does not even take into account the disable-escaping-output attribute of <xsl:text>.

Therefore, everything goes sploing (approximately). Does anybody have seen this behavior and know either :
- how to solve the problem ?
- use another processor with Oracle ?

Thanks in advance.
Paul Terray - terray@xxxxxxxxxxxx
tel : 01 34 58 70 76

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