RE: Sending data from Java to XSL

Subject: RE: Sending data from Java to XSL
From: "Joerg Colberg" <joerg.colberg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 100 15:44:23 EDT
Michael Kay wrote:

>>    I have a "simple" question (although it doesn't seem to be that
>> simple to me at all). I have some Java code which produces an array
>> of data which I want to use in an XSL. To be precise, the Java class
>> returns the names of the months in German (could be anything similar
>> to that, though). How would I pass that into the XSL?
>Depends rather on the processor you are using: the way you pass parameters
>in varies from one product to another. Probably most will allow you to
>supply a node-set or result-tree-fragment as a parameter in some way. But
>this seems a complicated way of doing it, why not have the names of the
>months in German in a separate XML file, and read it using the document()

   That's what I am doing now. Some people in my team like the idea of java
methods so I was wondering what the solution would be. Your information
that different processors need different schemes will deter us from using
it I guess.


- Joerg
Joerg M. Colberg
Econovo Software, Inc.

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