RE: testing node type

Subject: RE: testing node type
From: Linda van den Brink <lvdbrink@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 16:26:31 +0200
> Linda van den Brink wrote: 
> comment() and processing-instruction()
> > As I understand these are not functions but Node Tests, 
> part of XPath.
> > Mentioned in chapter 6 of XSLT Programmer's reference, and 
> defined in
> > section 2.3 of XPath. 
> Herrumphh. They look like functions to me!
> *and* they are not in the index! 
> (page 372, well buried). Indexed as node test. Sigh.
> And DC thinks he gets it wrong occasionally ;-)
> Thanks Linda.
> New 'bit' for the reference card Tony?

I don't want to upset you, David, but they're on the XSLT and XPath Quick
reference as well (I assume that's what you're talking about). Again, look
under node tests...

Sorry ;-)

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