RE: "Roots" of confusion introduced at W3C (long)

Subject: RE: "Roots" of confusion introduced at W3C (long)
From: "Pawson, David" <DPawson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 16:00:07 +0100
 DuCharme, Robert
snipped very clear differentiation between physical / logical entities.

the only bit I'd quibble with is this statement

> This failure (and the XML Working Group can't be blamed too much for
> it--they set out to design a stripped-down version of SGML 
> that could be
> shipped over the Web more easily than full SGML, and had no 
> idea of the uses
> that people would put XML to) meant that the Working Groups 
> for additional
> XML technologies had to make up and assume certain things, 
> and this let to
> subtle and not-so-subtle conflicts between those additional specs. The
> Infoset spec is an attempt to make up for this. These 
> conflicts are also a
> key reason that so many important specs have been held up in 
> the Candidate
> Recommendation stage lately.

Perhaps not in the past, but the xml core wg surely could revise to clarify
today, and for the future?  
Is that a task for the info-set WG? Surely XML coordination.

Regards DaveP 

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