RE: testing for several different conditions

Subject: RE: testing for several different conditions
From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 23:19:43 +0100
> In my XSL:
>         <xsl:when test= ".[//bookmark/@name = @internal]">
>            ...
>         </xsl:when>

> However, I also want to continue if...

The fact that you write .[a=b] rather than simply a=b suggests that you are
using Microsoft IE5 1998 XSL rather than XSLT.

If you were using XSLT you could write test="condition1 or condition2" or
"condition1 and condition2" 

I seem to recall Microsoft IE5 spells these operators "$or$" and "$and$".
But really, you should upgrade to XSLT.

Mike Kay

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