Re: testing for several different conditions

Subject: Re: testing for several different conditions
From: Eric Taylor <Eric.Taylor@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 07:30:13 -0500
Nick, thanks much.  This did the trick.  I appreciate your taking the
trouble to dig through old books on my behalf!

I agree with the arguments for upgrading--I'd much prefer to--but right now
corporate policy dictates that for this project we produce something that
will transform for users with IE5 as shipped, so until they generally
release an XSLT compliant browser, I'm stuck...  For other stuff that I can
transform in house, I am starting to use real XSLT with Instant Saxon.  

And Andrew, thanks for the pointer to the vbxml list on for
further help with this obsolete stuff.


> From: Nick Browne <NickBrowne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: testing for several different conditions
> Eric, having looked through some 'old' books I think the problem is that
> versions of MSXML only allow boolean operators inside a predicate. One
> showed the syntax of xsl:if to use a 'match' attribute in place of 'test',
> suggesting that only a valid path was/is allowed.
> If you change your line to :
>    <xsl:if test= ".[(//bookmark/@name = @internal) $or$ (@internal =
> 'whatnext' $and$ //next)]">
> ...The advice to upgrade is probably the best though I appreciate this may
not be
> practical given restrictions on your environment.
> Regards
> Nick Browne
> Slipstone Ltd
> Eric Taylor wrote:
> > ...  Here's the offending line:
> >
> >    <xsl:when test= "(.[//bookmark/@name = @internal]) $or$ (.[@internal
> > 'whatnext'] $and$ //next)">

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