RE: How to search for <, >, etc. in a string?

Subject: RE: How to search for <, >, etc. in a string?
From: Brian Young <Brian.Young@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 09:54:32 -0400

Yes, I tried specifying '&lt;' rather than '<' in the search string.  The result of this was, however, that it seemed to look for a literal & then l then t then ;, not <.

   Brian Young

-----Original Message-----
From: Rebecca Lundberg [mailto:rlundberg@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 5:31 PM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: How to search for <, >, etc. in a string?

> The problem is the use of '<' and '>' in the second parameter of the
starts-with function.  I tried replacing them with &lt; and &gt; but I
believe that it is then literally looking for '&' followed by 'l' by 't' by
';' and soforth.
> Is there a way to specify <, >, ", etc. in such cases?

Just taking a guess here...
Did you try &lt; for less than and
&gt; for greater than?

Good luck!

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