RE: [xsl] Outputting literal and 'quoted' tags.

Subject: RE: [xsl] Outputting literal and 'quoted' tags.
From: Emiliano <emile@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 19:58:33 +0100 (CET)
Stuart Celarier wrote:

> Instead of writing
> <input type="checkbox" name="{@id}" value="yes"<?php if ($value == 'yes')
> { echo " checked"; } ?>>
> try this
> <input type="checkbox" value="yes">
> <xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute>
> ...
> </input>

Hmmm... I hadn't figured this would work. So where there are ellipses I
could insert an XML processing block (which would be PHP in my case)? But
how would the 'checked' attribute turn up inside the 'input' tag? The
processing block I included in a test turns up in neither html, xml or
text output mode.

> As for being a tyro (a beginner, more appropriate than the derogatory
> 'newbie'),

I didn't use that word in a derogatory sense. Didn't mean to anyway.
Whichever way you put it, I'm new at this, and someone is always going
to new at something. I don't mind being a newby as long as I'm doing
something about it.

> I believe people don't get agitated by the question per se, but
> with the informality

Really? OK, perhaps I should have lurked longer. Most technical lists I
subscribe to are rather informal.

> and presumption of phrases like "I would expect". The
> level of expectation should be set by specifications, documentation, and
> books, not a gut feel.

Or actual output. Granted, I have not finished through the book yet, but
until I saw the infoset breakdown that was posted earlier, I hadn't
found anything yet in the specs or book that contradicted the way
Sablotron worked, and since I had started work with Sablotron...

In any case, enough with the excuses. I appreciate the opportunity to

> We occasionally like to pretend that we are engaged
> in computer _science_. ;-)

Ah, well, I'm a software engineer, so perhaps I approach the matter from
a different angle :)


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