Re: [xsl] Browser visibility

Subject: Re: [xsl] Browser visibility
From: Jeni Tennison <jeni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 16:35:41 +0000
Hi Alvaro,

> I am new with XSLT. I am using XSLT stylesheet with Explorer but it
> shows a blank page. I don't know what to do to make it appear.

There are several reasons why this might happen, but the first thing
to rule out is that the stylesheet is working just fine but not
generating any text content. When you do a client-side transformation
in Internet Explorer, it expects the result to be HTML, so it displays
it as it would an HTML document with that content, and ignores the XML
tags (unless they have the same name as HTML elements).

To check whether your client-side transformation is working properly,
download and install "Internet Explorer Tools for Validating XML and
Viewing XSLT Output" from (under Downloads / Web
Development / XML). When you have those installed, you can bring up
the context menu and choose 'View XSL Output' to see what's actually
being produced by your transformation.

Alternatively, download the Command Line tool msxsl.exe from and
try running the transformation from the command line. That gives you
better access to the result of the transformation.

If the transformation is actually failing, then there's probably
something wrong in your stylesheet. Without seeing it, it's hard to
tell what that is. You could try posting it here to see if we can see
the problem.

I hope that helps,


P.S. I'm assuming that you've installed MSXML3 in replace mode or are
using Internet Explorer 6. If not, check out the MSXML FAQ at

Jeni Tennison

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