Re: [xsl] Re: [xsl] Re[2]: [xsl] Re: [xsl] RE: [xsl] Re: [xsl]   is being displayed as Á

Subject: Re: [xsl] Re: [xsl] Re[2]: [xsl] Re: [xsl] RE: [xsl] Re: [xsl]   is being displayed as Á
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 10:12:13 GMT
> Although I still assert that in my circumstances the d-o-e solution
> works,

yes certainly there are cases where d-o-e works (that's why it's in the
spec) But there are no cases where it's a good idea to suggest d-o-e as
an answer on this list to people who ask questions stating that they're
beginners. Before suggesting disable-output-encoding you need to be sure
where it's going to be used, and that the person realises why it's use
will make the stylesheet fragile. It's that fact that whenever anyone
asks this question loads of people who never normally answer questions
on the list appear from nowhere and suggest answers that don't work at
all, or don't work in general, that gets frustrating at times.
Asking the question is reasonable, giving a misleading answer
is less so...


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