RE: [xsl] Dumb questions from a newbie

Subject: RE: [xsl] Dumb questions from a newbie
From: "Chris Bayes" <chris@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 15:10:42 -0000
The thing that should have jumped out at you was accessTOxml in other
words convert an access database TO xml. You run it 
cscript accesstoxml.js fullPathToAccess.mdb
and it creates fullPathToAccess.xml which is a representation of the
access database with tables and rows.
This can then be used as an input to an xslt transform which is what you

Ciao Chris

XML/XSL Portal

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:owner-xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
> Mike Ferrando
> Sent: 12 December 2001 14:06
> To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [xsl] Dumb questions from a newbie
> --- Chris Bayes <chris@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>I don't want to get locked into using Access
> >>and its HTML creations. The coding seems very microsoft 
> >>dependent in their web pages. 
> >
> >That is why I sent you the link to accessTOxml
> Chris,
> I went there and looked around but nothing jumped out and bit 
> me on the nose. It is a great site, but I didn't find what I 
> was looking for, and that may be because I don't know the 
> terminology yet.
> >>Thanks for the info, I will get on the list and ask about it.
> >He didn't answer your question!!!!
> >Well don't thank me. Or ever ask me another question!!!!
> <xsl:for-each select="/Well don't thank me..."> 
> <STRONG><xsl:text>Thanks</xsl:text></STRONG>
> </xsl:for-each>
> Mike F.
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