RE: [xsl] Dumb questions from a newbie

Subject: RE: [xsl] Dumb questions from a newbie
From: "Chris Bayes" <chris@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 00:35:03 -0000
--- Michael Kay <michael.h.kay@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > My question is about being able to write xsl to pull data out of
> mdb
> > files?  Is this possible?
> mdb is Microsoft Access I assume?

<snip />

> I don't want to get locked into using Access 
> and its HTML creations. The coding seems very microsoft 
> dependent in their web pages. 

That is why I sent you the link to accessTOxml

> There is more to data than 
> databases that is the beauty of XML.

> Thanks for the info, I will get on the list and ask about it.
He didn't answer your question!!!!

Well don't thank me. Or ever ask me another question!!!!


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