RE: [xsl] XPath: all elements with only non-parent children with identical style attr

Subject: RE: [xsl] XPath: all elements with only non-parent children with identical style attr
From: "Michael Kay" <michael.h.kay@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 16:02:43 -0000
> DeMorgan's theorem can be proved by complete induction over all
> possible inputs.  I don't think it makes any requirements other than
> that the functions behave like the boolean opeators they're meant to
> emulate.  For example, if there were also type conversions involved,
> one might need too be careful when applying DeMorgan's theorem to
> XPath expressions.  I've not actually analyzed whether there would be
> any screw-cases here or not.

I think de Morgan's law applies correctly to XPath conditional expressions,
even when evaluating one of the operands generates an error.

Mike Kay

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